Hey Everybody,
I hope you have been able to receive a lot of good tips from my site so far. I am really trying to provide good quality content to you everyday! I also am pretty new to this website stuff, so please keep that in mind. If you have any questions or comments, I would really appreciate it if you would share those out on the main site.
I have new visitors everyday and I would love it if you showed them how it’s done and start some conversations out there. I have a place to leave comments at bottom of every post(article). Thanks again.
If you have any suggestions of what you would like me to make a video of or any other suggestions please comment below on this page!
Late December-
Great news, I am currently working on putting together a new membership portion of my site. With this membership you will have access to everything on my site. I have a new series of videos and guides I am almost done with. It will be on Laminate Installation.
I will be offering an early bird special . So watch out for this!
I will be adding videos for tiling a kitchen floor and a backsplash.
I am also hoping to release my videos on How to install Wood Flooring. I have many methods for this to make for an easy installation. Methods I have never seen on YouTube.
I am also going to release videos for Carpet Installation.