Temporary Location for ALL VIDEOS

Thank you for your PATIENCE! 

As I rebuild the site and add NEW CONTENT things are going to be a little out of whack. Watch the video below as I explain what is going on and where you can find the videos you might be looking for.  


Watch this Video – 

Here are the links to All the Videos and PLEASE let me know if you need help finding something. 

Custom Shower – https://floormechanics.wistia.com/projects/94h8eoi0lz

Tub Surround – https://floormechanics.wistia.com/projects/a2zklfq52p

More recent Videos –  https://floormechanics.wistia.com/projects/y06vevdmap

Floor Tile Layout – https://floormechanics.wistia.com/projects/1nwtl6latj